Mark your calendar for the following events, that the boat club is sponsoring:
On Thursday Oct 4th the Boat club is hosting a spaghetti dinner at the Lodge. The hours are 5:30 to 7:30. The menu is salad, spaghetti and meat sauce with garlic bread. Adults are $6.00 and children $3.00. For those that are helping with the meal we will need to be there at 4:30 to get things started, and we could use some volunteers to assist with the cleanup. This is open for all lodge members and their guests to attend. And at 8:00 we will have our monthly boat club meeting (New Members are welcome).
The Thanksgiving Day celebration, to be held at the Lake on Sat. November 17.
On Saturday Dec. 1 the boat club is sponsoring a Crappie-Thon fishing tournament at the lake. This will be open to all lodge members and their guests. There will be a $40.00 entry fee for each two man boat. It will begin at 7:00 a.m. on Dec 1. The weigh in will consist of the seven biggest fish presented by each team, and the weigh in is at 3:00 p.m. There will be a barbecue dinner folowing the weigh in. All will be held at the Lake Sinclair property. Any Questions call the committee chair person Linda Breland @ 956-1679.
And finally a date of Sat Dec. 15th has been selected to have the annual Christmas gathering.